The plot centers around Italian poet Attilio to gain the attention of the woman he loves. Benigni does his useful commanding job playing a man who is devoted to a cause, in this case the lovely Vittoria. When Vittoria is severely injured in Iraq, Attilio does what any rational man would do to rescue the woman he loves: he lies.
I won't go ant further out of fear of spoiling the movie, but ending is delightful and delighted me. The movie is a real romance unsullied by gratuitous sex or nudity.
Oddly enough, I've seen some reviews complaining if the lack of factual accuracy in the movie. What nonsense. Such complaints signal a reviewer without spirit and romance. To insist on factual accuracy is similar to insisting that Velveeta is a fine cheese. I give it an A or 94%.
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
What is essential is invisible to the eye." -- Antoine De Saint-Exupery
Pop some popcorn and let's watch a double feature.